The Japanese-Korean War

Day 919, 18:47 Published in Ireland Ireland by JGutenberg

Dear readers,

After about spending half an hour writing this article, I tried to publish it and it failed, resulting in me losing everything in the process, so excuse me if the following is a little rushed.

As you all may be aware, Japan, our brother in the Brolliance, recently invaded the small and mostly neutral country of South Korea. While the Irish Government has not released an official statement regarding the incident, many Irish citizens and organizations have sided with South Korea, including statements by the MoD and ICA encouraging citizens to help defend South Korea.

Korea’s situation has often been compared to ours; a small, peace loving country, with a greedy imperialistic neighbor who seeks to remove them from the map.

In a matter of days, South Korea was invaded and conquered entirely save for one regions, and then fully liberated with help from its Phoenix allies. However, this was definitely not a training war.

Why, then, some may ask? If it wasn't a training war, it was just an exercise in gold deflation by the government of Japan. In a press conference, South Korean President Peter de LusionisT Bae said that, "eJapan will say they attacked for various reason, but even they will admit that it was mostly for 'shits and giggles' as they call it."

Part of the blame to this whole affair has to go to whoever is coordinating the EDEN/Brolliance campaign against Phoenix. Couldn't a country of over 2,000 do something a little more productive then rip up a practically resourceless little peninsula for no gain? If the Japanese are bored, put them to use, I say.

South Korea has had a very turbulent past, with countless PTOS, depressions and invasions, and perhaps this little war will go down in history with the rest of them. However, I think this affair could be a potential foreshadowing of future ineffectiveness of Brolliance.

What I mean by this is that although the Brolliance motto is to the effect of 'nations drawn together not by need but by brotherhood,' the Brolliance is ineffective to work at an international scale beyond the defensive. The Brolliance contract was originally just a formality, and has not been expanded to include other countries that have joined. The other "Bros&quot😢including our own government) were powerless and could not do anything short of invading Japan, which they would have to be a silly amount of 12345 gold for, or permanently destroy the Brolliance.


"The previous regimes of eJapan were close friends of mine and many actives in eSK, but the current one is just full of trolls lead on by ambitious(some what intelligent) leaders," said Mr. Bae.

Upon reflection, their situation is looking even more like ours, except for the intelligent leader part.


Fairly unrelated, but Some Irish Citizens may also note that the esteemed Mr. Ginge and several other prominent Irishmen have moved to South Korea and are applying for citizenship.