eSocialism and eCommunism

Day 920, 20:15 Published in Ireland Ireland by JGutenberg

They say, “Communism is a good idea, but it only works in theory.” I say, “eRepublik is a theoretical game where the efforts of a full days work are represented by the click of the mouse.”

Why eCommunism and eSocialism should be given a chance.

First of all, a more socialist government would be more welcoming to newer players than a traditional capitalistic system.

Having effective and powerful state industries gives all new citizens the opportunity to work at a well paying job that also benefits the Irish state. Despite alleged reform after Connel Rath's excellent article("The Embarrassment of the Irish State Industries&quot😉, the only Irish State Industries offering Skill 0 Jobs is Irish state Housing who despite having 11 employees only has two who appear to be actually active, and DoD State Travel which is doing somewhat better with the second best wages by .31 IEP with 3 active workers. However I must admit that it does not even take Socialism to solve these problems.

A more structured government would also mean a better public health care system, which would also be beneficial for new citizens such as myself who are struggling to maintain their wellness while working and training every day in a country where wages are not very high and food is fairly expensive. Now that I have finally reached level 3 Manufacturing, I can start gaining wellness again, but it took me 16 days of wellness loss to get to this point, which I think is screaming for reform.

Instead of taking from the rich and giving to the poor, eCommunism, through higher taxes take from the older, who generally have less need for money, and give to the newer who could always use a leg-up.

Recently in Ireland there has been some talk about bringing new citizens to eIreland. Having a more helpful and supportive government would create a more welcoming and pleasant environment for new Irish citizens.

eCommunism and eSocialism would also give the government a closer control of the Irish economy, something that it is also rather lacking. Ireland’s Gross Domestic Product is 1046.34, the 53d out of 60 eNations, despite having the 37th place population. Both of these numbers are incredibly disheartening and to me scream of reform.

Although I wasn’t born then, I’m sure that some of the older players here remember when the IEP had the lowest Recommended Exchange Rate (RER) in the entire New World,[1] and I’m sure even more would wish to have our economy and currency to return to such a state.

We Irishmen have geniuses (and plenty of Guinness too) among us, and applying such individuals to the right place could give our economy a definite turn for the better.

According to jamesw, having a better economy would also give the UK to attack and activate our MPPs against them, although I would not consider it as its main attraction.

A stronger government would also mean stronger government institutions, including the IDF, which in wake of although apparently empty threats against our nation could always use some support. (And Psst, CPL Useless if you're reading this, there have been at least 14 sign-ups in the IDF enlistment thread since you've last responded...)

The evidence to me is overwhelming. Ireland is in need of change!

Discussion is welcome and encouraged, as is of course voting and subscribing. I don’t have a very solid understanding of the eRepublik economics, so please excuse(and private message me about) any misinformation or discrepancies in information so I can correct them immediately.

Please note that I am not trying to start a debate about the merits and demerits of real life communism or socialism, but rather the merits and demerits of eCommunism and eSocialism, which are incredibly different things.

For my next article I intend to do another roleplay piece. Until then, enjoy. 🙂
