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The Cossak Party Needs you!

0 Day 592, 02:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Allow me to introduce myself, I am Robb a supporter and donator to the Cossak Party, you may not of heard of us, which is understandable as we are small and hail from Mother Russia. In this article, I will outline who we are, what the situation is

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Oppression in the world.....Oppression at home

0 Day 591, 09:43 Published in Australia Australia


this article has nothing to do with Peace. This title does not represents the views of the author.

Once upon a time, there was a small boy who lived in a russian cabin in Kalingrad, the boy wrote a scathing election article

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A final farewell to Australlian Warlord.

1 Day 588, 10:26 Published in Australia Australia

Well as I'm writing this and sealing the stamp and sending it back to Oz to be read out by someone I'm sitting in my little Russian cabin with snow fallin outside. I've turned on the T.V and foudn out the dreaded news that AW is dead. At first I was

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Fond farewells.

4 Day 584, 10:03 Published in Australia Australia

Well today or maybe tomorrow depending on my mood or attention span and my broken typing hand I will be leaving on with my eLife and heading for eRussia. I did say that I would be leaving eOz if i failed in the congress elections and I have amassing

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eRussian Coassk Party and a new direction in my life

1 Day 580, 13:24 Published in Australia Australia

Recently on the forums I stumbeled across a new party forming ina country far more oppressed than us. eRussia. Below are extracts from the Cossaks manifesto.

"Which is the situation?

eRussia was two times completely occupied. In an alliance

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