Oppression in the world.....Oppression at home

Day 591, 09:43 Published in Australia South Korea by Comrade Robb


this article has nothing to do with Peace. This title does not represents the views of the author.

Once upon a time, there was a small boy who lived in a russian cabin in Kalingrad, the boy wrote a scathing election article which stated many proven facts however there was a spider which hung over the world like a cloud and this spider did not like this young boy and in this time there where many tales of the spider eating the words of men that attacked their fellow men, no matter how true they where, it also used to send threatening web words out telling them they had broken some law or other.
Now the boy realised what was wrong with the world and that was that there was no one to speak out against each other, and that the Spider tried to muffle disdent voices, this left the boy angry with no way of expressing his dislike for other men except in cunning analogies so that the spider woudl not know what was meant by the words. This left the boy considering leaving the world to find a world that allowed him to express his voice, no matter how loud or dissident it was. The boy foudn the people where great but the Spider's oppression in the world or at home was a major killing point.
