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An interveiw with MoredanKantose [eOz version]

1 Day 610, 10:04 Published in Australia Australia

Hello Readers. Today we have an interveiw with the Ataman (Party President) of the Cossacks. please Welcome Mr.MoredanKantose

1. What is the overall aim of the Cossacks.

We want to see a free eRussia, full in its territorial integrity, strong,

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An Interveiw of MoredanKantose

8 Day 610, 10:03 Published in Russia Russia

Hello Readers. Today we have an interveiw with the Ataman (Party President) of the Cossacks. please Welcome Mr.MoredanKantose

1. What is the overall aim of the Cossacks.

We want to see a free eRussia, full in its territorial integrity, strong,

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the eUK are tratiours

13 Day 607, 03:45 Published in Australia Australia

Shock and horror! Me and Calibur have both agreed on something.

The eUK has not only betrayed America and Canada by siding with PEACE and allowing PEACE … read more »

What would AW say...

11 Day 606, 04:18 Published in Australia Australia

Well it's been a long while (in my mind at least) since AW died. The world is in flames but eOz is getting stronger.
And I'm just wondering to myself...what would AW have said.

Does anyone else not wish to know what he would have said, just out

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The Cossak Party needs you! [eOz edition]

4 Day 593, 07:47 Published in Australia Australia

Allow me to introduce myself, I am Robb a supporter and donator to the Cossak Party, you may not of heard of us, which is understandable as we are small and hail from Mother Russia. In this article, I will outline who we are, what the situation is

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