A final farewell to Australlian Warlord.

Day 588, 10:26 Published in Australia South Korea by Comrade Robb

Well as I'm writing this and sealing the stamp and sending it back to Oz to be read out by someone I'm sitting in my little Russian cabin with snow fallin outside. I've turned on the T.V and foudn out the dreaded news that AW is dead. At first I was shocked, i didn't belive it. Then I was sad...I think Australlia lost something great today.
At first when AW first came around I was firmly against him, his ideas I thought sucked and he was endangering Oz with his constant speaking out againts eIndonesia. Then more and more I came aroudn to his idea of thinking, I was going to ask him to come and help me and the Cossak Party in eRussia to help Russia rebuild..however his deaths kinda puts this one back a bit.
I will miss AW, and though he had been quiet lately I was on his side in the Calibur divide.

I'm sad to see his odl enemies now celebrating and I think it is time for everyone just to sit quietly and think and contemplate upon what we have all lost. Someone determind to fight for thier views and beleifs, someone who never flinched from the fray, he had more than just mad skillz, he had a hat and a fast furious way of stickign up for what he believed in and I will miss him.
Farewell AW. And have a lovely afterlife.

To edit the words of a famous Hiakuku.

"Australian Warlords grave
someone has laid
plastic flowers"

From Robb
A supporter