The Cossak Party Needs you!

Day 592, 02:16 Published in United Kingdom South Korea by Comrade Robb

Allow me to introduce myself, I am Robb a supporter and donator to the Cossak Party, you may not of heard of us, which is understandable as we are small and hail from Mother Russia. In this article, I will outline who we are, what the situation is in eRussia and what you can do to help and our stance on PEACE.

"Who are we?

The Cossacks is a party of English-speaking eRussian patriots. Some of us may be Russian (as long as they speak English), but many will be people from other cultures who love the Russian culture and are ready to work and fight for eRussia.
We are honest and direct. We do not attempt “take overs”, we do not play dirty tricks, we do not hide our intentions.

We are loyal to the government elected by the majority of the eRussian citizens, no matter which party does it belong to. We are disciplined soldiers and ignore petty political quarrels. We will support the party which shows the most readiness to work together with us for a better eRussia."

What is the situation?

eRussia was completely occupied twice. In an alliance with the forces of the PEACE alliance, our Government agreed to give up three important regions in order to recover and keep the rest. This alliance has proven successful, but now three regions of eRussia are in foreign hands: The hands of other PEACE members.

The current eRussia has no hopes of recovering these regions again, as we cannot afford a war with PEACE. Our regions are depopulated and without defense. With the exception of Kaliningrad, no other region has hospital or defense systems but the occupied ones.

Meanwhile, the most important parties of eRussia are quite busy with mutual accusations of treason or worse. The English-speaking Russian patriots have no chance to be properly coordinated since the Russian Army moved away from to

The state of the actual Party is non existant, we have a only a handfull of members and there is no Party as of yet, we currently (upon my last look around 3 days ago) have 17 out of the 40 Gold we need. This is where you good eUK citizens come in

What can you do to help?

To help us, you can donate whatever money or gold you feel is neccessary or you can sign up and join our ranks of English speaking Russian patriots. (Donate here as this man is leader of the Cossaks)
Sign up here:,1529.0.html

Our Stance on PEACE.

We do not seek war with PEACE, we only seek real independence and to recover our motherland.
however Anti-PEACE feelings are not incompatible with this Party. But we are prudent and reasonable, and first we need a strong eRussia, PEACE has been good to eRussia and has helped us to eject many of our strong enemies.


if you want to help fill in this simple tick list.

.Can you speak English
.Do you Care about eRussia

if you answer yes to both of these questiosn then we are the party for you!
Comrades remember to sign up or donate.

have a wonderful day eUK.
