eRussian Coassk Party and a new direction in my life

Day 580, 13:24 Published in Australia South Korea by Comrade Robb

Recently on the forums I stumbeled across a new party forming ina country far more oppressed than us. eRussia. Below are extracts from the Cossaks manifesto.

"Which is the situation?

eRussia was two times completely occupied. In an alliance with the forces of the PEACE alliance, our Government agreed to give up three important regions in order to recover and keep the rest. This alliance has proven successful, but now three regions of eRussia are in foreign hands: The hands of other PEACE members.

The current eRussia has no hopes of recovering these regions again, as we cannot afford a war with PEACE. Our regions are depopulated and without defense. With the exception of Kaliningrad, no other region has hospital or defense systems but the occupied ones.

Meanwhile, the most important parties of eRussia are quite busy with mutual accusations of treason or worse. The English-speaking Russian patriots have no chance to be properly coordinated since the Russian Army moved away from to"

"Who are we?

The Cossacks is a party of English-speaking eRussian patriots. Some of us may be Russian (as long as they speak English), but many will be people from other cultures who love the Russian culture and are ready to work and fight for eRussia.
We are honest and direct. We do not attempt “take overs”, we do not play dirty tricks, we do not hide our intentions.

We are loyal to the government elected by the majority of the eRussian citizens, no matter which party does it belong to. We are disciplined soldiers and ignore petty political quarrels. We will support the party which shows the most readiness to work together with us for a better eRussia."

As I read this I realsied here was a chance to move on in life. Since reading this around three days ago I have been in regular contact with the Party leader and have even donated some gold to help fund the party and gets it's members to Kalingrad. After congressinal elections I have decided to move out Kalingrad myself to help the Party closer to home. This time I do not think I will be returning. I often do this, move away and then come back quickly but this time I have a reason to abroad. I have had a great eLife here in eAustrallia and have seen some great moments in history. The signing of the independance act for example, some great people (Br0ad, Pred, AW, Derek, Srg and others) who have all been great to me.
I've seen some downs (eGermany resistance war..i still wake screaming about sausages) but eOz is in a great postition now. Once we have been fully liberated eOz is in a postition to be a great power. As i have siad i will not be leaving until after congressional elections.
However I would also ask all you care about eRussian freedom to donate to the Party so we can set up companies and newspapers and an actual party to unify eRussia.

It's been an honour working with you all.