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Israel attacks Turkey

7 Day 725, 09:57 Published in Canada Canada

A few hours ago, Israel declared war on and attacked Turkey.
Why such a disastrous act whose Turkish reply will almost definitely lead to the annihilation of Israel, you may ask? Because

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The Military Order of Rhenus

0 Day 723, 12:52 Published in Canada Canada

Today the Military Order of Rhenus was founded to support the Canadian Rangers fighting in Malaysia by providing jobs for Hard Worker medals and free weapons to the CAF. Here is the official announcement with all the details on its functions:

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Onwards, Protect Malaysia!

1 Day 722, 11:59 Published in Canada Canada

As you will probably be aware of, Indonesia declared war on Malaysia. The motivations behind this action probably amount to a mix of desiring a baby-boom especially after the recent heavy

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The Dictature of Alliances

4 Day 722, 06:28 Published in Canada Canada

Once again the eWorld finds itself at the edge of the abyss, the eternal as meaningless conflict between PEACE and the successor of ATLANTIS EDEN heralds the bloodiest battles and floods uncountable countries on all continents with the cries of

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Die Diktatur der Allianzen

17 Day 721, 10:11 Published in Germany Germany

Wieder einmal befindet sich die eWelt am Rande des Abgrunds, verheißt der ewige wie sinnlose Konflikt zwischen PEACE und dem ATLANTIS-Nachfolger EDEN gar blutigsten Krieg und überschwemmt unzählige Länder auf allen Kontinenten mit Schlachtrufen und

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