Onwards, Protect Malaysia!

Day 722, 11:59 Published in Canada Switzerland by HuCard

As you will probably be aware of, Indonesia declared war on Malaysia. The motivations behind this action probably amount to a mix of desiring a baby-boom especially after the recent heavy losses of Western Siberia returning to Russia and Western Australia to Down Under and to try and end SOL's war games which a number of EDEN states were always able to participate in due to the alliance's kindness of allowing them to. But whichever the primary driving force behind this attack may be, nothing can justify this act of utterly pathetic aggression. Indonesia had, like us Canadians, been an observer nation in SOL for a long time, and the fact that both ATLANTIS/EDEN and PEACE countries had been part of the small alliance was always a comforting example that peaceful cooperation in this war-laden eWorld was indeed an achievable possibility. This fact makes its sudden and illegitimate betrayal of a neutral nation whom they have always been close neighbours with all the more despicable, making even the sternest condemnations still seem insufficient.

Today, Italy seceded from PEACE after signing an MPP with Malaysia, proving their determination to fight for its cause. We on the EDEN side of the world are far too quick to focus on this first point and lose ourselves in jubilation that our enemy PEACE has shrunk by a country and that its villainous schemes have been rejected even by its own member. This may indeed be the truth and I too am pleased with these turn of events, since to finally reject an alliance brining but incessant war and terror unto the eWorld especially after having once been critically disappointed by it (when PEACE was too busy trying to take over Canada during their conquest of North America and Spain instead of rerouteing these PTO forces to prevent Italy from falling to hostile voters) is a positive thing. But let us in this bright light not overlook the even greater deed - To side with a nation in peril, one which Italy did not even have any deeper ties with, and to strand up firmly for the defence of a country exposed to an unjust attack. Italy broke with PEACE not solely because of but today to embrace a victim of vile and cruel schemes, and this is truly something which deserves to earn it the deepest respect!

France, while still a member of the alliance despite the mistreatment at the hands of her allies and various voices within the republic calling for a departure growing louder and louder, too has confirmed its support for Malaysia, which is equally admirable, regardless of whether it will continue to be a part of PEACE or not. Neither should we pressure Italy too much to realign immediately, and in respect and friendship as a nation reach out to them without any obligations or ulterior motives to win them for one side or the other.

Thus, let us all join our forces to fight for the only righteous cause, the defence of Malaysia from the Indonesian aggressor - regardless of what alliance we belong to, or not. Show this shaken and troubled world that in times of true need, many prideful nations possess the will and the strength to stand up for justice and to defend it, together!