The Dictature of Alliances

Day 722, 06:28 Published in Canada Switzerland by HuCard

Once again the eWorld finds itself at the edge of the abyss, the eternal as meaningless conflict between PEACE and the successor of ATLANTIS EDEN heralds the bloodiest battles and floods uncountable countries on all continents with the cries of battle and the incessant thunder of the rifles. Thus was for example Slovakia recently devoured by Hungary by means of the most savage violence.

But it is never the larger and actively warring states which have to suffer from these fruitless struggles for hegemony. Poland, Sweden, or Romania, Hungary or Russia, none of these countries ever had to fear the terrors of war on their own land, had ever seen the flames of battle scar their soil. (At least not in more recent times.) And even the unfortunate countries who between the wheels of imperialism were crushed and whose faces were wiped off the map, like Canada, the U.S.A. or Spain, did not have to endure these fates for long and could come free again after a relatively brief period of time each.

No, the true victims torn away and dragged into oblivion by the links of this endless chain of battles are the small, unimposing ones. It is those states without military relevance, tied to the spider web of alliances but nonetheless left to fend for themselves, which bear the weight of the injustice committed by others and which have to fear for their existence, critically exposed to the despotism of those who elsewhere in the most pompous and exorbitantly expensive fights wrestle territories under their control for a few days just for them to soon thereafter pass unto another owner yet again.

Like this, Northkorea has since the third world war been reduced to but a single region without EDEN ever having bothered to aid it to its full independence again. In this alliance Romania is occupied with doing things like tearing away Belgium from the United Netherlands against the will of the Belgians while proudly boasting about the illegitimateness of its actions in public. But at the same time the Dutch along with the Flemish and Walloons are left alone in the struggle for the unity of their nation by their PEACE comrades, since they are too busy to do like Hungary, absorbing more foreign regions than they could ever hope to be able to hold.
Not very different is the situation of Japan-South Korea, this proud and just nation which however has to pay for their noble ideals with the abandonment by their partners in the conflict with the Theocrats who have been occupying Gyeonggi-do and Chungcheongnam-do for weeks or even months. And neither does anyone attempt to help Peru, recently taken over by Poland, neither their PEACE nor their ALA allies; and the only ones who actually express interest in the matter are people merely caring about consuming up fresh fuel for their anti-Polish polemics.

All these cases make it evident that the concept of alliances has for a long time already veered off the once honourable endeavour to protect and support each other and became a mere perpetuum mobile of destruction and war not fought for ideals or even resources but for nothing but its own sake. The sole existence of the respective other organisation legitimises again and again the own crimes, and in the din of the great powers' gigantic battles drown the cries for help of their entourage. Bitter words are raised against just the slightest move of the opposing party, but criticism from the own ranks silences as the member states do not seek to forfeit their relationships to the leading nations and thus are condemned to quietly sanction the wrongdoings of their own alliances.

And all this will only continue to grow worse, unless something significant will happen. Due to the pressure exerted on the the small, independent states standing between the two giants and due to the lack of respect and the aggressions of the latter more and more will find themselves urged to align with one of the sides just to ensure their own continued existence. Thus happens these says in Switzerland, which after an endless fight against the repeatedly invading Hungary has finally sought refuge in the arms of EDEN. In the face of Indonesia's assault on the neutral Malaysia, member of its own just as peaceful alliance of SOL, an act posing a matchless crime and decline in value, non-aligned countries are now too thrown into states of anxiety and fear which will only accelerate the process.

But although I am painting an image of gagged oppression akin to Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four, not all hope is lost yet. In a most respectable and admirable act France and Italy both have assured their support for Malaysia by signing MPPs with it. Could this desperate and despicable act of the crippled Indonesia along with Hungary's intolerable behaviour towards friend and foes alike be the harbinger of the fall of PEACE? I dearly hope so, and long for an era where these old and rusted chains may be shed off the eWorld to make way for a fresh and better future.