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Recent Happenings in Belgium

1 Day 721, 08:19 Published in Canada Canada

Three days ago, the resistance forces tore Brussels away from the United Netherlands, although the latter was able to hold Wallonia.

Since then, there have been great efforts by the UNL to

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State of Affairs in Belgium

0 Day 717, 05:03 Published in Canada Canada

After the recent liberation of Flanders, things have been quite busy in Belgium. The newly elected government formed predominantly of members of the Romanian "The Group" which tore away Flanders from the Dutch initiated a couple of reforms

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Canadian Embassy/Canadese Gezandschap/Ambassade du Canada

13 Day 717, 03:59 Published in Belgium Belgium

Dearest people of Belgium! I would hereby like to inform you that as of now I will henceforth serve as the Canadian ambassador to your country, which I consider to be a great honour. Aside from German (although Eupen-Malmedy does not even exist in … read more »

The Other Side of PEACE: Japan

3 Day 713, 13:32 Published in USA USA

Just as the storm of World War 3 had calmed down, as the eWorld was recovering from the devastating wave of fire which had burnt so many stripes of land, and as the last remnants of PEACE's invasion were finally cleared from North America, a new,

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The Other Side of PEACE: Japan

4 Day 713, 12:56 Published in Canada Canada

Just as the storm of World War 3 had calmed down, as the eWorld was recovering from the devastating wave of fire which had burnt so many stripes of land, and as the last remnants of PEACE's invasion were finally cleared from North America, a new,

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