What We Need In Foreign Trade!

Day 1,480, 14:31 Published in USA USA by Saphire109
What We Need
Game Article On eRepublik Game by Saphire109

Free Competition
What we need in this e-country is free competition.
When anybody complains about unfair competition (consumers should be aware)
If foreign firms want to loose money by selling goods at a loss to eUSA why should we complain? Nothing would make any industry as powerful and productive by allowing the market to open up completely and realize which ones are unproductive and which ones make the most money.
E-American Raw Material is exported to many countries and we should have a 0% import tax so that you and I (the consumers) are allowed to buy goods which otherwise would seem unreasonably expensive.

Exchange Rates
There will always be more people looking to buy a currency than people willing to sell it. Over time governments with a low valued currency will be able to get the most trade.

Complete Free Trade Has Not Been Introduced In eRepublik Yet
The people who learn today may not be the people in charge of economic policy tomorrow. What we need is restraint from e-governments to interfere with free markets in foreign exchange and foreign trade.

Questions? Comments? Observations?