No More Taxes Policy

Day 1,479, 06:58 Published in USA USA by Saphire109
0% Taxation is the best policy that could ever be implemented in the game
Game Article of eRepublik game by Saphire109

Easy, people in the game do not need to rely on social welfare at all (it is a game after all).
Hence we should evaluate the 0% Tax policy

The Numbers
Let me explain the efficiency of the 0% tax policy (meaning 0% taxes across the board). In the absolute free market format in the game we would find some industries completely uncompetitive. By this I mean there would be no factories in the eUS economy at all (we would import goods for only a half of their current costs). Simple math.
A factory costs 300 gold, let's say it's 300,000 dollars.
Per factory one person can only make 310 dollars a day supposing he also has 2 raw material farms. Under this format it would take 3 years of work just to pay off the factory. Does this show how inefficient communes really are?
Yes, you see if instead 300,000 dollars were invested in raw material companies you'd have 35 of them each producing a revenue of around 80 dollars a day per farm. This is a total of 2,800 dollars (90 tanks) versus the 310 dollars or 10 tanks in the game that the commune makes. Remember this is per person productivy. So we can therefore say that the free market makes people 9 times more efficient and productive. Suppose 5 workers worked in a commune without even taking wages. In the free market format of 0 taxes they would specialize in profit oriented industries making 14,000 dollars a day. In the state run industry they would be making only 1,550 dollars a day. In the game this translates to 451 tanks in the free market vs 50 tanks in the commune system.

How To Defend Yourself In 0% Tax
In this format our income per day would be far more than just 9 times the amount. This is because 9 times more money in circulation would mean 9 times more demand for jobs which would then translate into 9 times the consumption in lower labor costs. The real amount of GDP increase would be around 18 times the amount increase due to employee benefits and income duplication. We would be making around 1,800,000 dollars per day in GDP. Now, how do you get the state to defend itself. Well first of all just because this system is so perfectly efficient we would rarely need any regulation since people would have more money and hence more power to purchase cheaper goods. However funding can and must indeed be supplied for defense this is why the establishment of powerful voluntary groups would be useful. As I stated in my prior article "One Million Dollars A Week" ten private businessmen at potential could fuel the eUSA's economy alone. I propose that since that is the case we would have say 10 groups of businessmen willing to donate to the treasury to keep our beautiful system. This method would ensure our income flux to be around 500k per day (5 times what it is now) through private enterprise donations. They would do this for a week or so and then another group would be called into donating. This will therefore fuel both eUSA in security 500% greater than it currently is and increase GDP by 1800%.