Biggest RM Sales In History

Day 1,481, 14:17 Published in USA USA by Saphire109
Biggest RM Sales In History
Game article for erepublik game by Saphire109

With one of the greatest capital reserves and a networth of close to a 1,000,000 dollars in the game of eRepublik I decided to give you the heads up on what services I offer (Saphire109), basically the name I will use so that you (the consumer) can remember me. Saphire109 specializes in sales of food RM below any market price guaranteed.

When RM was going for .30 I was selling at .28 usd. Even now that you see an ever increasing competition in food RM Saphire109 delivers, handling one of the largest company monetary reserves in the e-world, stockpiles and traded volumes daily between 40,000 and 55,000 RM and 15,000+ dollars with the capacity of handling the buyout of competitors trying to upset the market leading all other companies into a net loss.

The current expansive objective of Saphire109 will be to expand to 200 buildings within 6 months. With one of the largest daily volumes of RM in eUSA and worldwide I can deliver orders of gargantum volumes and undercut any national or foreign competition. Please stay in touch with myself, Saphire109 as I keep expanding my network of companies and become a very large single powerhouse. If you are interested in purchasing RM from me please contact me and I will try and best estimate at what price I can sell RM for that day and at what time I shall place my offers in the marketplace.

If interested in knowing any information send a pm to me, Saphire109

eUSA and Global leader in RM production and sales
Worldwide Exporter