Party Presidential Elections - Analysis

Day 326, 04:29 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hassan Pesaran

In eRepublik, nothing is certain. Even the most meticulous plans can go awry in the society we fondly refer to as “BugRepublik”. All three of the major parties have elected a different Party President to the person they plan to place as their Country President Candidate. While the PCP has elected Stan Wephen, widdows9000 will once again be running for Country President. The same can go for both TUP and UKRP, with Squiddy and Rayf Drasyon respectively campaigning for office.

This was all due to the imminent coming of V1, we were told, by the latest of October 15th. With V1 comes the option of formerly separating the position of CP Candidate and Party President. However, as beta testers have revealed, V1 is not nearly ready enough for launch by October 15th, and they are proclaiming it would be wholly unwise of the game developers to release it then, as it is in such a horrific state of game-breaking bugs.

What this means for the parties is unclear at the moment; how they will react to V1 not being released could cause the next General Elections to take quite a different turn.

Party Presidential Election Results:


1st: Stan Wephen – 63 votes
2n😛 IOUDEN – 5 votes
3r😛 DeBono – 4 votes


1st: jerryGFL – 47 votes
2n😛 Deathtoll32 – 16 votes
3r😛 plasa – 3 votes


1st: Hassan Pesaran – 37 votes
2n😛 malta_1990 – 6 votes
3r😛 Bertie Ahern – 4 votes