Hassan Pesaran for TUP PP

Day 323, 14:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hassan Pesaran

I am formally stating my intention to continue as Party President for TUP.

First of all, I’d like to give you a reminder of what I have done for the party during the past month:

- I helped TUP gain a staggering five Mayors in the Local Elections, which is an increase of 3 from the last month. All the TUP mayors are doing a fantastic job in their regions, and I hope they can continue to play a vital role in the running of the region when V1 is released.
- TUP also made a big improvement in the General Elections. We acquired two more congressmen to add to our previous six, and I also personally gained 70 votes. That is just less than 30 votes more than last month. This once again shows the progress TUP has made while I have been PP.
- I also made the TUP Council more integral in the running of the party. It has made TUP a far more welcoming party to be a part of, and as a consequence activity on the forums has thrived.

Now, this is my intention for next month if I was to be elected as Party President:

- I aim to help TUP members’ secure more Ministerial positions by preparing them for the increased responsibility by giving advice on how they can get more involved. As a consequence, I want TUP members, who have proved themselves within the party, to be able to get the chance to help their country. We already have several members working in ministries including Squiddy, Siobhan Griffin, malta_1990 and Sir Graystar
- I want to make TUP even more open. This would include making a topic where anyone can ask me questions, or make suggestions on how they think we could be doing better. Everyone’s input is valued, and I want to stress that in the upcoming month with the release of V1. It gives us the opportunity to be more innovative and come up with new ideas on how to exploit V1’s potential.
- I plan to reintroduce the “Mentor” scheme, first set up by Final Destiny. This would place all new, active members with another more experienced member who has proved themselves. The new member then has the chance to learn how to be successful in an area of their choice.
- Obviously, I would also continue everything I have been doing so far, which includes making sure Congressmen are active, making stronger ties with other parties and increasing activity on the forums.

Along with that, I would also just like to point out the things that I have done personally over the last month which makes me more qualified to be PP. I have been Minister of Information and have expanded upon the role and made it more central. I have a newspaper that has 82 subscribers, which is the 5th most subscribed in the eUK. I have been increasingly active in the forums and made ties with some other leading party officials.

I would also like to announce Squiddy as my candidate for Country President. He was previously my Vice-President and we talk to each other everyday. I believe good communication between the CP Candidate and PP is essential, so I think I would be the best man to help Squiddy gain Presidency.

Thank you for reading, and remember a vote for Hassan Pesaran is a vote for continued dedication, innovation and experience.