TUP Moving Forward

Day 321, 01:11 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hassan Pesaran

TUP has once again gone from strength to strength after the recent General Elections, as we have gained a further 8 seats in Congress, which is two more Congressmen than last month. I also personally achieved 70 votes, roughly 30 more than what Alain Bates achieved. This shows that the public has seen the changes we have been making within the House of Commons, and how our rookie members have grown to experienced Congressmen and Mayors. So I’d like to thank all those who voted for TUP in Congress and me for President.

Party Elections are looming, and TUP currently has two real candidates; myself and malta_1990. We both ran for PP last Party President Elections, so it should be an interesting race. I urge all TUP members to give a thought to both candidates and make a measured decision on whom to give your vote to.

TUP has also made an impact within the Cabinet. I am continuing my post as Minister of Information, which two new apprentices Sir Graystar and malta_1990. Squiddy is also the apprentice to Tim09, who is Minister of Foreign Affairs. Siobhan Griffin, recently elected Mayor of Belfast and Congresswoman, has taken up the post of undersecretary of the Minister of Education. This is a new ministry, so Siobhan can bring her initiative to the table.

With the release of V1 looming, so comes the option to have a separate President Candidate and a Party President. If I am elected as PP this month, I will be nominating Squiddy as my candidate for President. He has been building contacts over-seas and has brought many new ideas to the table internally in TUP and in the House of Commons and I have full confidence in his ability.

While we’re on the note of the General Elections, I need to announce that I will be unavailable from Sunday 25th October, until Thursday 30th October as I will be going on holiday.

Finally, take this opportunity to sign up on the eUK forums to get a say in how TUP is being run and get more involved in general. This is a great time to be a member of TUP, so join up!
