Power Struggle #3

Day 334, 14:29 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hassan Pesaran

Day 5. I woke with a start. It was completely silent. There were no shouts of men, no chugging of factories and no gunshots. I had become so used to the noise; the effect of silence had been so great as to wake me from my deep sleep. It was a truly humbling experience, but also a troubling one. I carefully got out of bed, crept towards the windows and opened the curtains. I surveyed the skyline and saw all the shops had been boarded up and the factories had stopped puffing out smoke. The shortage of raw materials had made the country come to a halt. There were simply not enough raw material workers to sustain our lavish lifestyles, and the economy had crashed as a result. I sighed as I got dressed, not washing as there was no water, and left the apartments once more in this New World.
Politics, however, always rolled on, regardless of what was happening in the world outside. The tube station was full on homeless people who had been entrusted with the job of handing out party leaflets. I hurriedly took one from an old man’s hand and scanned the front. It was adorned in bold, bright red letters reading “PCP – Vote Tim for a stronger UK”. The message was clear and simple, Tim, an Australian turned English after the Indonesians had conquered Australia, was running for Prime Minister. It was no shock to hear such news, as the UK had been home to leaders from all nationalities, whether they be American, Belgian or Irish. In the UK, nationality did not matter; it was what you did that mattered and Tim had done a lot. As I took a closer look at the leaflet, I saw in small print at that bottom that Widdows had returned. I almost burst out laughing at the news, as it had only been a mere three days ago that he had stormed out of the country to leave for Hawaii. Clearly it had not been thought through.
I was pushed off of the train by a storm of people who were intent on going to the Government Buildings to which I was headed. I looked up at the grand buildings, which were headed by an enormous TV screen printing the daily information. Top of the list was the announcement that our current Prime Minister, Rayf Drayson of the UKRP, would not be seeking re-election. This left a large gap in the UKRP, as no-one else looked like a suitable candidate at present. It was a long time until the elections, however, and a lot could change in twenty days.
The other information was that the new Ministry of Education had begun testing. Men and women who had never been educated in their lives, who had been flung into work from the age of 12, now had the opportunity to learn and enrich their lives. It was a glorious proposition, now made reality by Stan Wephen, Minister of Education and Party President of PCP.
As I finished up work at the Ministry of Information, writing the various articles that would be published in the Unity Post the next day, I came to the conclusion that it was purely immoral of me to have a newspaper that is read by those who do not seek party affiliation to be tied so strongly to a particular party. The newspaper stood for information, neutrality and quality. It stood for Truth.
So it is for those reasons that “The Unity Post” has been renamed to the “Ministry of Truth”. Once again, vote, subscribe and comment if you enjoyed.