Power Struggle #2

Day 330, 10:18 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hassan Pesaran
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Day 2. I was awoken abruptly by loud music coming from the flat above. I groaned as I turned onto my side and reluctantly got out of bed. I walked over to the television and turned on the news, to be greeted by the fact that all citizens had been given compensation for their properties which were lost during the great fire which had occured overnight and had left thousands homeless and without food. At least the United Nations had done one thing right these past few days. I started preparing my delicious sausage and eggs for breakfast, which had been consumed by the fire, but now had been delivered right to my doorstep by the United Nations. It was the first proper meal I'd had in days, as I'd previously been relying on the Cigarettes to last me through the day. I donned my official Ministry Suit as I finished up my food and rushed out the flat and headed for the tube station.
The underground was covered in televisions, broadcasting the essential news of the day for all citizens of London. There was one of my sub-ordinates who worked at the Ministry of Information reading out the shocking news that Widdows, former Minister of Defence and Prime Minister Candidate, had now stormed out of the UK in a rage and suddenly moved to Hawaii. The PCP were in dissaray and Party President Stan Wephen was desparately trying to pick out the pieces. Stan was not one to back down to a challenge however, as it was he himself who had planned the blueprints for the construction of the underground which hundreds of citizens of London used everyday. Although Widdows had left, the PCP were certainly not out of the race.
I got off at my stop and rushed off the platform towards the towering government buildings above my head. The Ministries were a huge complex, spanning at least a mile in length and a hundred metres in height. The Ministry of Defence was at the centre, and there were dozens of protestors outside, waving banners of "Bring Back Widdows" and "Down with UKRP". Deilos, the new Minister of Defence, was undoubtedly getting to grips with his sudden new responsibility and simply was unable to deal with the protestors outside. The UKRP "Police" would deal with them shortly. My building, the Ministry of Information, was off to the right. It was a relatively small building, although it had been growing over the past few weeks and now had hired more employees to fill the ever increasing duties of keeping the media in touch and citizens informed. I flung open the double-doors and sat down at my desk and got to work on the issues of the day.
When I left the office at 5PM, there were further protests outside the Ministry of Trade. There were huge shortages of raw materials, and company owners everywhere were demanding answers. Ideas had been proposed to move workers to Raw Materials, but it had ended in fights, as everything seemed to do nowadays, and several casualities within the Commons. Solutions were being conconted within the Ministry of Trade and Work, no doubt, but these things always took time to have an effect. Not everything happened instantaneously, especially in the volatile Version 1.
Hope you enjoyed this one as much as the last one and remember to vote and subscribe if you want to see more.