Presidential Candidate Debate, November 2008

Day 350, 08:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hassan Pesaran
We recently had a two-hour long discussion between the three main Presidential Candidates; Dishmcds, Final Destiny and Tim09 who are represented by the UKRP, TUP and UBP and PCP respectively. A good number of people showed up to the event, and it was moderated by myself. This is a summary of the main points that were made

Hassan: What do you think you can give the eUK that your other candidates will not be able to?

Dishmcds: Overall, I feel that I have more experience in just about every area of Erepublik than any of the other candidates. I've both set up and run Government's before, and have a wide variety of experience ranging from military to Government structure.
I feel our weakest area right now is simply Government structure, in that we all act independantly rather than as a cohesive unit

Final Destiny: Ok then first of all I feel that in the past I have proven myself in all aspects of Erepublik. Though I'd say myself and Dish are roughly equal in terms of experiance.
With me you know what you are getting. A stable and mostly neutral politician who has no private
investments to cloud my judgement.
I have always worked with my congress and will continue to do so and will not shy away from
asking Congresses views on an issue that needs to be addressed.

Tim09: As a candidate it is true that I am the least experienced of the 3, but I am still qualified for the job. I offer a fresh look into the office of president.
I particularly have great experience and current connections in foreign affairs. The current
administrations all know me and I can keep a stable changeover on the international front.
As someone born in May and not in December I have worked my way up the ranks through hard
work showing also that I have the talent and that I am trusted to get the job done.
I know what I stand for and the people know what I stand for but I will work and compromise with
congress to get this country running.

Hassan: There have been quite a few candidates over the last five months that have had RL things happen, where they couldnt fulfill their terms properly. What RL obligations could you/do you see happening, and how do you intend to fulfill you're role in that case?

Final Destiny: I was one of those candidates wasn't I? Well simply put I'm now 100% healthy and in November I have a lovely clean schedule. I know how much time it takes to be a good President and I wouldn't run if I thought I wouldn't have time.
Though if God forbid something should happen to me. Feel free to use that very useful impeach

Tim09: I finish my last exam on the 4th of November and as such have the time required. Yes I am job hunting but for 9-5 stuff which is while you guys are asleep. I am going on "schoolies in the 2nd
week of December which is after my termon the off chance that something does go wrong Cheeseball has my password and can pass it on to a trustworthy candidate and inform you all. THe PCP had problems in september with Widds internet and came up with a plan to stop that happening again.Effectively congress would make the decisions and someone would be able to use my account to make the proposals.

Dishmcds: Being one of two Ministers who hasnt taken a vacation or gone AWOL in the last three months, I can be proud to say that not once in my time in Government in all of Erepublik have I EVER not been able to fill my role.
Unlike the other candidates, I don't have exams, term papers, or otherwise. I'm already established in my employment, with a set schedule, and if I'm elected I can serve my term without fail, just as the previous 9 months.

Hassan: What is one of your main goals if elected? How would you go about achieving this goal?

Tim09:I have 3 main goals: fix up unemployment, get NHS going and keep UK in the forefront of global affairs through Atlantis. I will work with congress to come up with the best NHS solution out of FD's GM plan, my newspaper plan and Jacks SO plan.
I will intervene in the market to increase the role of MoW during these times of high unemployment
as well as keeping the market as stable as possible.
I will continue my work with Atlantis so that we can be as influential as ever and I will deploy to Australia.

Dishmcds: My main goals are to re-establish some kind of structure in our Government, consolidate the market through private enterprise, and better regulate our currency which has opened up a gaping whole in our marketplace.
With Bremer's absence and the absence of a positive flow of GBP, which is in the process of correcting itself, we just need to better regulate the market. Our foreign affairs are largely in order, although Atlantis is busy.
With Australia coming up, along with the possibility of Belgium being independant I think we have a lot to look forward to.

Final Destiny: Fix the Health System with the plan I purposed in my Society Manifesto and attempting to eliminate Unemployment with training companies would be my main 2 domestic aims. These are what need to be done first. Bar of course a cabinet re-shuffle and the such.
The most pressing aims are domestic our Foreign Affairs are pretty set in stone.
All three candidates here agree Australian Independence is what we want to fight for.
That's it really for main goals for all the nitty gritty stuff tune into my newspaper.

Hassan: How will you improve the NHS?

Dishmcds: I believe activity is the key to the NHS as it is now. I think Creve suggested a good idea, which Jack is actually improving, if I read it correctly. I think it's a start, but the hard part will be finding people who want to gift.
Would work out quite nicely, IMO, whether it's adding the "Organizations" bit, or simply doing it from citizen accounts.

Tim09: Basically Regional Directors would take over the role of gifting. The gift-list would be published in a newspaper and all members would be told about it in the welcome PM. Finally with the regionalisation of congress to start from next month we couldcombine roles and members of congress who are not ministers could take over the gifting, using the newspaper to determine who needs gifts. Regional directors or congressmen could take over the role of mayor complete with running competitions like Siobahn in Belfast Regional Directors should be paid a small sum each month as it is a tedious job.

Final Destiny: I proposed a system of which we gave General Managers gifts to give to their employees. They benefit mostly from it so they will be most willing to do the job. The full details of this scheme is in my article on the UK Society.
This was inspired by the late Paul Hudson. As a employee of Empire Weapons I was blessed to
have him as an employeer.

Hassan: What is your view on the House of Lords proposal?

Final Destiny: I think it's a good proposal I voted YES to it after all. It adds to our already good political system in the UK.

Stan Wephen answering on behalf of Tim09: Although the exact specifics needs to be worked out, such as how the Lords will be appointed, it is a good proposal that can only help the Government

Dishmcds: I agree with the idea, but the proposal is too loose. In the form it's in, it's too open as to allow people who may not qualify, just to bypass the electoral system, which is wrong, IMO. We need to clarify who can be allowed in.Voting to accept the proposal just to pass it and amend it is trying to push something through, that could be harmful to our Commons system. We need to carefully look at it. We are, after all, changing the way Legislature is passed

Hassan: Out of your opponents, who would you vote for president and why?

Final Destiny: Well I respect both my opponents both have done great things for the United Kingdom and the World on the whole. I guess though I'd vote for Tim purely due to the fact his policies are closer to mine.

Dishmcds: I think they're both knowledgeable. Although I'm not sure either are the best candidates from they're parties, so I dont think I'd vote for either one, so long as we're being completely honest.
I was hoping Stan would run out the PCP, simply because he has worked so hard over the last few
months, and he, IMHO has rightfully earned it (as has Tim, but I don't see electing a PM who's leaving next month as a good thing)
And in the TUP, it was announced Squiddy was running, and I hoped that they would follow through with it rather than putting FD up, although to my knowledge it was due to time constraints. So overall, I just think the other parties had members who were better suited. And that's my opinion.

Tim09: Back in June I held my vote back and voted FD because I believe he had a cool head then and has a cool head now. He will listen to congress and compromise and has policies much closer to my own. I also think that congress will be very active under FD as he got it going in the first place

Hassan: What degree of influence should the government have in the economy? Why?

Final Destiny: I believe that the economy should be a balance. The Government should directly intervene in times of crisis and offer jobs should the private sector not be able to cope. Though for the most part I'm happy to let the market run it's course.
As long as innocent workers and general managers don't suffer from things beyond their control.

Dishmcds: The Government automatically intervenes to a degree through the use of Monetary management. I prefer Private Enterprise because it keeps the Government free of the liability of the economy. Every single issue can be addressed via private enterprise, so long as they are not directly intervening in the marketplace. It's different to offer loans and whatnot, which I am for. It's another thing to sell "Government Cheese" for pebbles which could very well be just as

Tim09: The government should intervene when the is heading for a crash or is in market failure such as the current case with unemployment and massive oversupply.
Howeve this does not mean a planned economy in any sense of the word (sorry Jack). We cannot do that with the game mechanics in a country this size.The government should therefore provide solutions to the issue through direct and indirect intervention (such as putting up job offers or buying stock)I would like the economy to run perfect without intervention but that is not going to happen. I would also like to see a weekly report by the MoW into the state of the domestic economy and predictions and a course of action in terms of direction of employ.