Playground bullies

Day 745, 06:12 Published in USA Malaysia by Nagyzee

Hello everyone!

So what has the last few days taught us? As for myself the biggest lesson was that several of the strongest countries in eRepublik show a very childish behaviour. Okay, this is not a new thing but the last few days have been extremely great at showing this. The foreign policies of too many nations are driven by the thirst for revenge and at cases by RL nationalism/hatred and having no morals and values apart from sticking to their allies to the very end no matter how stupid things those allies do. The cores of the two big alliances are like gangs of street kids. It's funny to see when some allies' interests cross each other and the group temporarily breaks down and the inner bitch-fight (also motivated by revenge of course, what else?) starts. See Poland vs. Spain lately.

It's in this childish world that one of the medium powers has decided to change her ways and shape her foreign policy by morals. The country I talk about is of course France. They also had their moment of imperialist glory before when as the spearhead of the PEACE invasion they wiped Canada and Spain off the map. But they grew tired of being ordered around and turned down Hungary's (and other allies' ) requests to attack the USA again. The case is a clear illustration of how the core of ex-PEACE works. They like to claim that countries are not pressured to do things yet France almost immediately fell out of her big allies' favour because of turning down their request. But this was only the beginning. France decided that they would not only show their dissatisfaction if one of their allies invade non-hostile neutral (or even allied!) nations but actively defend the victims. This is how France ended up defending Austria against Hungary, China against Russia and Malaysia against Indonesia. With this France has of course successfully alienated most of her allies.

So what EDEN had been waiting for so long finally happened. A country stepped up against her "masters" risking her very own existence. So what's the logical thing to do in such a case? Well, according to Spain it is to prey on the weak and to attack this country. Clever? No, it's not. Spain's move is as dumb as it can get. Who'd risk giving up Hungarian / Indonesian / etc. protection after this when there are EDEN nations waiting to feed on them? Let's be honest, Spain is not the only country with this mindset in EDEN. Far from it. The USA did the right thing by staying out of this conflict.

There's nothing to be proud of on the ex-PEACE side either. Some of their core members are showing signs of such ignorance or short-sightedness (call it whatever you want) that can only be rivalled by the Swedish - Polish attack on allied Germany. Despite lots of heated comments to my surprise Hungary had the decency to stay out of this conflict, thumbs up! On the other hand the Indonesians and Serbians have gladly joined one of their sworn enemies in obliterating their former ally. France became Indonesia's number one enemy by prohibiting Indonesia from raping Malaysia. And Serbia, well, they are angry because the French didn't help their push on Slavonia by starting distraction battles against the USA. Especially the latter sin surely warrants helping your enemy in wiping France off the map. (So a part of the Serbian army has lined up and assaulted Aquitaine. Instead of for example helping Russia at Jilin.) Not to mention that with this they have made reconciliation with France (almost) impossible. After Indonesia and Serbia assisting in their destruction it would be extremely humiliating for France to go back to them.

Currently it seems those small nations France earned the respect of are unfortunately not strong enough to defend them against the Spanish attacks. This means that France's survival might depend on the goodwill and generousness of their former PEACE allies. However if they have strict terms for their help then France might have to choose between living on her knees or falling like a proud man. I don't envy them for the choices they have.

Finally I'd just like to quote an American citizen from an article in the French media:

You have friends from everywhere in the Globe eFrance. It is because your virtuous actions of late so don't forget that. You did refuse to attack the US to support aggressive actions. Many in America remember that. You rallied PEACE to defend Burgenland against a great and Austria remembers that. You stood up against Indonesia and saved eMalaysia, and Sol remembers that.

There is a reason that America has stayed neutral despite Spain being one of our closest allies, why EDEN has not officially granted their support, and why Malaysia has given orders to their citizens to defend France even while they are under attack themselves. And there is a reason I am here to defend you. You have done well and risked much for liberty of others and for justice, and the eWorld remembers.

I couldn't have said any better.

Best regards,
A grateful citizen from Malaysia