So who are the traitors?

Day 744, 02:13 Published in France Malaysia by Nagyzee

Hello, people of France!

I hope you will forgive me for taking up space in your media with an English language article.


I'm sure most of you have seen this outcry lately a lot coming especially from Hungarian and Indonesian citizens and higher ups. France has earned this title with the following crimes:

- Not blocking the USA when Hungarian-held Manitoba and Nunavut were under attack but sending only mobile troops afaik
- Defending PEACE member Austria against fresh quitter Hungary's mad attack
- Defending neutral Malaysia against Indonesia's totally unprovoked invasion
- Defending China against an unprovoked Russian attack

In the meantime however France has sent mobile troops to help Hungary several times and so on. In essence France has shown herself to be a courageous country ready to defend the innocent even against her (former?) allies while being ready to help said allies when they were not doing something mad (at least till relations turned totally sour). This is what earned France a bad name in Hungary and Indonesia.

And now that French original regions are under a Spanish assault these (former?) allies are siding with Spain in obliterating France. Indonesia - angry at France for not being able to rape Malaysia thanks to your help - has opened a distraction battle in Sabah to drain Austrian, Chinese, Malaysian and Ukrainian damage from the French battles and is promising to send tanks to Spain. Hungarian citizens are cheering for Spain just the same. They are also busy publishing fake orders in Malaysia asking us to fight in Midi-Pyrenees.

So who are the traitors here?

The extreme short-sightedness of ex-PEACE and EDEN

And this brings us to my next point, the short-sightedness and totally childish behaviour both big alliances exhibit.

First let's take a look at ex-PEACE. Here is their golden chance to repair the damage in their relations with France and maybe to get you back in the fold. All it would take is stepping over some petty grievances and extend their hands to you. Instead some of them are busy helping Spain plotting oh so sweet revenge.

And now onto EDEN. France has been distancing itself from the aggressive ex-PEACE nations lately with a rift and at times even hatred developing between you and them. That's good for EDEN, isn't it? Well, apparently Spain thinks otherwise and they have launched an offensive risking that France will repair relations with ex-PEACE uniting once again against EDEN. Simply for oh so sweet revenge. Btw how many times did Spain try to invade and/or PTO France? And how many times did France try the same on Spain? I don't think Spain has any moral justification for this attack. I'm not implying that it's needed though.🙂

Maybe it's purely coincidence but some ex-PEACE and EDEN nations seem to have started acting in total unison at the distant chance of a rather weak but still noticeable defensive alliance forming up from the remnants of PEACE and maybe Sol. Enjoy your fantastically thrilling bipolar world guys!

We are here to help

Despite being under attack ourselves Malaysian battle orders point to defending Aquitaine. We are not a strong force unfortunately but we will try to send any little help we can. And I'll advise the Austrians, Chinese and Ukrainians to do the same.

Your great help in the defence of Peninsular Malaysia and Sarawak is not forgotten.🙂

Best regards,
Cabinet and congress member of Malaysia