Please help France if possible!

Day 744, 09:25 Published in Bolivia Malaysia by Nagyzee

Dear citizens of Bolivia,

This is just a short plea I'm writing to you as an ordinary citizen from Malaysia. As you know France is currently under attack on her original territories by Spain. The Spanish say it's for revenge for France conquering them a few months ago. I think attacking someone simply for revenge is quite childish especially when the Spanish have a long history of trying to hurt France (they tried to PTO/occupy France like a dozen times before) and when France has changed her ways since.

France has adopted a strictly defensive policy lately and they are helping neutral nations around the world against invasions even against their former allies. My country, eMalaysia wouldn't be on the map by now if it wasn't for the outstanding French help (among many things - like your help, too). We in Malaysia owe a lot to France and I thought that apart from fighting for them I could write articles in 1-2 countries asking citizens to help them.

This is in no way an official order, please consult your government's newspapers before you do anything but if you are free to do so and you can afford it you could help France a little by travelling to France or to Peninsular Malaysia and then fighting in the battle for Aquitaine.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Best regards,