A Friendly Reminder

Day 796, 14:52 Published in USA USA by Pragmat

Greetings my Fellow Americans

Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow I am seeking re-election to the Congress of the eUnited States.

This would be my fourth term representing Colorado and I stand re-affirmed to do my duty and try my best to move the eUS forward to a brighter future. Over the last month I have been lax in my duties. I have tried to participate in discussions, but frankly it was the holidays and between RL distractions and technological issues, I was not able to do what I wanted to do, to do what I was elected to do.

I apologize for those shortcomings and will work harder in the upcoming month.

Congress is not a solitary job. To get things done we need to work together and be organized. As my colleague Rheinlander von Phalz has taken to saying, "We need to form the Strong Congress" and if re-elected that is what I will strive for.

Anyways, if you want to vote for me, thank you, I appreciate it. If you need help in getting there, let me know and I will send you 2 moving tickets.

I won't take up too much more of your time, but here is a quick listing of my accomplishments:

3-term Congressman
Deputy Secretary of the Interior
Deputy Director, The Salvation Army
Director of Communications, America's Advancement Party
Member, AAP Congressional Election Committee
Member, AAP Round Table
Private, eUS Home Guard

That is all for now. Thank you and have a great day


Daniel Dodge