Back in the Saddle

Day 791, 19:50 Published in USA USA by Pragmat

Greetings my Fellow Americans,

Time for me to get back in the game! After a long period of spotty internet access and dropped connections I am back with a high speed internet connection and am ready to kick some eAss....whatever that means.

I will be running for re-election to Congress, look for a platform soon. I will be running again in Colorado and I hope that you will consider voting for me.

Though I am back at school as well, I will have more time to get active and involved in our little eCommunity here. Working alongside Jude Connors and many bright-eyed volunteers we will continue to message those wayward souls in the Wasteland and get them to fortress states. In the AAP I will Direct Communications (again, whatever that means) and help to put our party leadership in contact with a greater number of our members while also letting the wider eUS know what is going on within our ranks.

Many reading this won't care, I understand that. I am not a prominent politician like Woxan nor am I a fierce warrior like Eugene Harlot. But to those who read this and those who vote for it, I thank you.

History Today (January 19th)

1883 - First electric lighting system, developed by Thomas Edison goes into service in Roselle, New Jersey.

1917 - Zimmerman telegraph is sent from Germany to Mexico suggesting an alliance. This was one of many causes of American involvement in World War I

1920- The United States Senate votes not to join the League of Nations

1977 - Snow falls in Miami, Florida for the only time in recorded history

That is all for now, good night everybody,

Daniel Dodge