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Day 793, 18:06 Published in USA USA by Pragmat

Greetings my Fellow Americans,

It has been a long time since I have done an article like this, a straight up news article. I have been kept busy by RL activities and frankly, that takes precedence. However, I love this game dearly and want to get back to the basics and report on what is going on in the New World.

First things first, the standard mention of DoD Orders.......follow them or Eugene Harlot will punt you off a bridge.

Hospitals, Hospitals, Hospitals

I have been logging in over the past few days and it is almost as if we have been transported back in time, because once again....everyone is talking about hospitals.

I get it, you like being able to live wherever you want, you think it will be better, make the game more accessible for everyone, blah, blah, has all been said before.

I understand, I used to feel the same way, sometimes I still wish things could be different...but they are the way they are and it is working. The Fortress Strategy is, has and will continue to be the most effective way to manage the health of our population.

Don't believe me, read some of these articles from prominent citizens regarding the Hospital Debate:

Not Another Hospital Article
In the time it took to have the Hospital debate
August 23, 2009
Ice Cream not Q2 Hospitals

In the interest of being fair, here is a link to a recent interview with US Army Commanding Officer NXNW

POTUS Season Comes Early

Now campaign articles are nothing new here in eRepublik. Someone is always running for something and they need to get the word out. I say this so that you are aware that I do not mean to disparage the subject of this section for his actions, just pointing out the peculiarity of it.

Recently, current eUS Vice President PigInZen announced that he will seek the Presidency of the eUnited States in the February elections. This came as no surprise to many political insiders as Pig is highly popular.

Though he has yet to publicly announce a VP choice, many are already aware of the pick...out of respect for PigInZen I will not disclose who is running mate will be, though I wish them both luck.

While no one else has officially announced, it is believed that this month will see a lot of big names entering the race, including former eUS President Josh Frost and all around BAMF Eugene Harlot.

Ironically (or perhaps not), this article from Nero Preto came out today outlining the pitfalls of being President of the eUnited States in terms of time commitment.

Promotion, Ladder Climbing and Information

We need more players. Currently we are #4 and there is no reason for that. We have a lot of people here in RL and a very active online population. We need to tap into that and recently a brilliant idea was developed to tap into the wider online gaming community. Check it out, vote it up and participate.

In a new article from the wonderful Bradley Reala, he details how to get active in eRepublik, how to get involved and how to gain success.

Blah blah admin article.....blah blah blah.....might be helpful

Standard Congressional Section

So, Congressional elections are coming up soon so I wanted to take a moment to talk about them.

First of all, here is the Congressional Checkup for the 25th eUS Congress, in it you will see how each Congressman was rated by their colleagues.

Of course, I will also be seeking re-election and I hope that some of you will consider voting for me. If you need a moving ticket to come vote for me, let me know and I can supply it. I have served 3 successful terms and have been endorsed by the AAP, Libs, USWP and Democratic Republicans for the upcoming election.

History Today (January 21st)

1189 - France and England begin assembling troops for the Third Crusade
1789 - First American novel printed in Boston
1793 - King Louis XVI executed via la guillotine
1950 - Alger Hiss convicted of perjury
1954 - First Nuclear Powered Submarine launched in Connecticut
1968 - Battle of Khe Sanh begins in Vietnam
1981 - American Hostages in Tehran released
2008 - Black Monday

That is all for now,

Daniel Dodge