
Day 783, 12:32 Published in USA USA by Pragmat

Greetings Boys and Girls

I am writing to you from lovely Karnataka. If you haven't already, you should come join us over here.

Now that that is out of the way, time for the meat of my message, what I really want to say.

Due to circumstances largely beyond my control I have not been able to be very active over the past few weeks. I am at home for the holidays and we recently lost our internet service after a snow storm wiped out our satellite dish. As such I am only able to access the internet and thus the game when I can get somewhere with internet. For example, I am currently sitting at a coffee shop.

I will continue to be active when I can, fighting, working, voting on Congressional issues and responding to PMs regarding Congress, The Salvation Army and my role in the military. That being said I can not guarantee the same level of activity that I have had in the past, at least not for the next week or so.

I apologize to all those who have trusted me with positions and expect more out of me. And I hope that starting on the 20th I can work to make up for my inactivity now.


Daniel Dodge