If you are reading this, you are The Resistance (Brazil)

Day 555, 11:03 Published in Brazil South Africa by Epic Thoughts

This article will be published in America, Indonesia and Brazil.

South Africa has fallen. After months of defeating take over after take over, the combined efforts of Indonesia and Brazil, neither of which had the power or ability to dominate our small country by themselves, finally managed to topple the South African government. We are currently a people without a home, and many of us have gone into exile.

But allow none to say that our exile is a defeat. We have proven over the past months that we are more than a match for any Brazilian and any Indonesian. We will prove that again, my friends and brothers.

There is a resistance forming, a storm gathering, and those of us who have left our homes are the force which will bring our enemies to their knees. You cannot underestimate how important you truly are. Seek out myself, and numerous other friends of South Africa, in America, and other countries. Now, more than ever, we need to set aside our arguments and our emotions, and we must come together, and force those who have defiled our homes to face the consequences of their actions.

All those who are loyal to the South African cause should evacuate the occupied territories. Everyday you spend in them only results in more gold in the coffers of those who have oppressed us.

Your primary concerns should be moving to countries that have supported South Africa in the past, gaining money, earning experience, strength, and rank, and preparing for the day that we see South Africa free.

Make no mistakes, my friends. Those who have wronged us will be brought to task for it. And South Africa will be free.

Epic Thoughts