The Matter at Hand; Congressional Elections

Day 548, 14:12 Published in South Africa South Africa by Epic Thoughts

The German-Sweden Conflict has given rise to all manner of emotional reactions, with people siding with one nation or the other, as the government attempts to remain neutral in the face of such public outcry. I have no envy for Gabriel and those who serve as his cabinet, for the events of the past twenty four hours has put them in a very tenuous place, with their friends and countrymen demanding action that, ultimately, cannot be done.

But, there is a much more important matter looming for South Africa than a war fought between two nations, both of which have proven themselves friends. We have allowed ourselves to become distracted at a very inopportune time. In less than four days congressional elections will occur.

Since Romania voluntarily stepped back from fighting against Indonesia in the wake of 'Investigation Day', Indonesia has been uncharacteristically quiet and unobtrusive. Do not let this sudden calm fool you, my friends. wizzie_don, or whatever the hell his name is, and those who think that the lack of rules or mechanics prohibiting take overs makes them a legitimate action within this game will come, once more, to our nation seeking to dominate us in the political arena.

While I lack any sort of inside scoop or first hand knowledge, I know our government and the leaders of the various political parties, are working as we speak to ensure that a congressional take over will be at least circumvented, if not completely thwarted. It falls to us, the citizens of South Africa, to leave the feelings we have about our neighbors, felt most heatedly in the wake of this conflict, behind us.

We may argue. We may fight. But in the end we are South Africans. One thing we can certainly agree on is, in spite of all the conflict in the world around us, that no one besides South Africans should govern South Africa. We will need each other in the next few days. Argue and fight all you wish, but never forget we are neighbors, and we are friends.