Sad State of Affairs (ENG)

Day 545, 12:21 Published in Sweden South Africa by Epic Thoughts

This has to be some sort of joke. The admins, in all their wisdom (or apparent lack there of) have cleared PEACE of any sort of hacking, cheating, or exploiting. Romania sits on its hands while Hungary and Indonesia continue to chew up territory and regions. And now, adding to the confusion and idiocy seen among ATLANTIS, Sweden prepares to attack Germany.

I remember when Germany decided to join ATLANTIS, and it was considered some sort of victory. Now, Sweden stands poised to force each and every ATLANTIS member state to make a decision; us or them. And this decision, being forced on everyone by Sweden, could easily see ATLANTIS split and destroyed.

I don't know what your president is thinking, Sweden. But more importantly, I don't understand what you were thinking when you voted for him. This guy is clearly not concerned about the greater good of anything, and, should this entire episode blow up in your faces, the only people to blame for it are yourselves. You'd do yourselves and the rest of the world a great service by getting him out of office as soon as possible.

At this point, Sweden is wasting both resources and time, and by attacking Germany, they are inhibiting any sort of counter offensive or shift in the momentum of the current conflict for ATLANTIS. I hope you people are ready to shoulder your share of the blame for when ATLANTIS loses this war. Because you're nation is going to be remembered as the one of the nations responsible for the defeat. People around the new world are going to suffer because of your injured pride and your lack of reason.