Simply amazed.

Day 547, 16:36 Published in South Africa South Africa by Epic Thoughts


I'm not even sure how to start this article. I was thinking today how the world was changing in the absence of Romanian might. Sweden and Poland attacking Germany. Hungary and Japan coming to the aid of Germany. Americans and the people of the United Kingdoms chomping at the bit to protect their friends in Europe. Indonesia actually being quiet and unobtrusive.

Now this. I guess in the wake of recent events it shouldn't come as a surprise. But it still is. It's like watching a land slide, or an avalanche. This massive calamity over which you have no control. You could run around cursing and swearing, and trying in vain to do something about it. Or you could sit there and watch it.

And I'm just going to sit here and watch it. There will be hell to pay, I'm sure, but, for the rest of tonight, I'm just going to sit here and watch the fallout.

Here's what comes tomorrow. Dood or bad, I'll meet it the same way I've met everything in Erepublik; head on. But, until then, I'll be right here, surprised as ever.