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sweden, poland, and germany - proposing peace

96 Day 556, 08:34 Published in USA USA

As eUSA President I have been in talks with the Presidents of Sweden, Poland, and Germany as well as their MoFAs about this situation.

Sweden tells me that they are at an end with attacking and taking German regions. Poland says they are wrapping

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5/25/09 elections ... Spain wins but SA falls

43 Day 553, 08:38 Published in USA USA

Thank you everyone who helped support Spain and prevented them from falling to political takeover (PTO) yesterday. Thanks to your effort, combined with support from the UK and Canada (as well as some others no doubt), the Hungarians were only able

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108 Day 552, 10:14 Published in USA USA

YET ANOTHER UPDATE -Croatia has been attacked by Hungary. All US citizens and guests should fight in this battle. Fighting in Germany or South Africa really won't be helpful at this point as both nations have lost in Political Take Overs ( … read more »

my dream team for Congress

15 Day 552, 08:19 Published in USA USA

Every election people ask me to endorse them and I usually feel uncomfortable doing so except for my home state of West Virginia (and I'm never sure if an endorsement from me is a good thing or a bad thing).

I'm not going to call this an

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another reason to hate scrabman

105 Day 552, 00:47 Published in USA USA

I've been seeing a lot of press about the situation in the world. Someone (about 100 people so far) finally told me that Sweden and Germany were at war. Who would have known? I mean, Jesus how many news articles can be about that? Apparently I'm

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