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the purpose of continued war games

56 Day 549, 14:38 Published in USA USA

I've been getting questions about why we are continuing the USA - Ireland War Games.

The reason for the question is because we have real war happening in

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mile 0 - no quick alliances

84 Day 548, 18:42 Published in USA USA

All of the world is freaking out and screaming that the sky is falling with the disintegration of ATLANTIS. It is not. The media is full of Swedes, Germans, and everyone

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the sinking of ATLANTIS

80 Day 547, 18:37 Published in USA USA

ATLANTIS is dead.

Though the USA announced intentions to leave ATLANTIS we had … read more »

the state of USA - Ireland War Games

59 Day 547, 08:04 Published in USA USA

Many people have been asking me about War Games. The situation is that we've been on standby because of the situation with Germany. My Congress asked that I not start War Games at the outset because of the MPP situation with Germany. Then I declared

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one more run - SCRABMAN / MOISHE

93 Day 545, 23:48 Published in USA USA

I've had a lot of people asking me to run for one more term as the eUSA President. When I started this term I had a few things to wrap up, a major military operation that was in the works and almost ready to launch, and high hopes for where

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