5/25/09 elections ... Spain wins but SA falls

Day 553, 08:38 Published in USA USA by scrabman

Thank you everyone who helped support Spain and prevented them from falling to political takeover (PTO) yesterday. Thanks to your effort, combined with support from the UK and Canada (as well as some others no doubt), the Hungarians were only able to grab about 16 of the 40 seats in Spain's Congress. While those seats will, no doubt, try to gum up Spain's congress with their 32 proposals at least they won't be able to ransack the country or impeach President Kanuto. I spoke with President Kanuto several times yesterday and I know that he is grateful and that this will make Spain our ally in whatever Alliance we end up forming or joining.

Unfortunately South Africa did not escape being PTOed by Brazil and I'm getting reports that Germany was PTOed as well and the votes that are in both Congresses right now demonstrates the danger of a PTO. President Gabriel Borien is being impeached and Indo has attacked South Africa. I suppose that the idea will be to get someone into the Presidency who will start surrendering regions of South Africa until it is gone from the map. This is a real shame. We have a MPP with South Africa so it is another available opportunity to fight and to fight against Indo if you wish to use it. I spoke to Gabe several times yesterday as well and we saw this coming. He has pledged to send is military to incorporate into ours to help fight against such efforts in the future and I'm sure that we'll see this happen again in the next elections for President, Party President, and Congress. We will have to guard Spain in all of these.

I have to thank a lot of people who worked to make it possible for us to prevent the PTO of Spain. Leroy Combs, Kyle321n, and Killing Time worked hard yesterday to get instructions out, volunteers lined up, and moving tickets distributed. We also had a lot of help from our military and there were so many people that I don't think it would be fair to name names. Harrison Richardson was a huge help to me in his role as Secretary of State yesterday. Josh Frost also helped the effort as a private citizen by helping to coordinate volunteers and moving on his own. Lastly, thank you to those of you who moved to help Spain. Because of you we still have a high iron region that is not under PEACE control. If we lose that the game is over.

Congrats to all of the new and returning USA Congress as well. I will look forward to serving with old friends and new and it's always exciting to see new talent come into the Halls of Congress ... or The House of Representin' as the case may be. 😉

We must guard against PTOs in the future and that hurts our ability to take care of our own matters at home. It's not a fair world but the PEACE nations don't play the game the way that we do. They play to win while we are constantly torn between role playing and using game strategy. This is why PEACE will win the war if we can't counter them. I plan to make this a top issue as we move forward from here. It should be noted that Romania managed to grab 20 of the 40 seats in Indo.

Thank you all.