Day 552, 10:14 Published in USA USA by scrabman
YET ANOTHER UPDATE -Croatia has been attacked by Hungary. All US citizens and guests should fight in this battle. Fighting in Germany or South Africa really won't be helpful at this point as both nations have lost in Political Take Overs (PTOs). They are dead on their feet. So make this effort against Hungary count!


ANOTHER UPDATE - South Africa was overtaken by PTO. They are impeaching the President and Indo has attacked. South Africa has 7 MPPs activated and I urge those nations to prevent Indo from overtaking South Africa.

Update: We managed to stop a PTO in Spain but South Africa was lost to PTO by Brazil. I am exhausted as I received a record 183 PMs yesterday!

I will report more later.

For Chisholm, I've used CAPS just to make you happy.

I'll make this quick. Spain is about to be taken over. They have the last remaining friendly high-iron region. If we lose that region.. well.. let's not go there.

click here for a spreadsheet!

Click on that sheet and find somewhere that needs votes. If needed, contact US Marine QM Headquarters in-game for moving tickets. We will supply them if you truly need it. Be aware this is NOT to fight! This is so we can help Spain win their congress elections!

I understand that asking for people to move on the day of congressional elections is a bit rough. Our elections are in full-swing here and I don't want to ask people to do this, but the ends justify the means. We need to support Spain and that's really the end of the story. This is a voluntary operation, but I hope you all do it if you can!

Viva Espana!