another reason to hate scrabman

Day 552, 00:47 Published in USA USA by scrabman

I've been seeing a lot of press about the situation in the world. Someone (about 100 people so far) finally told me that Sweden and Germany were at war. Who would have known? I mean, Jesus how many news articles can be about that? Apparently I'm also a Nazi, dictator, or "rogue President" according to the most recent newspaper articles.

It has all been very frustrating as well as a tad amusing, but in a sad way. So many people are so full of opinions on how they would "fix" the problem between the USA and the rest of the world. By "problem" I mean that I have declared the eUSA neutral in the Sweden vs. Germany war when many citizens have declared to me, sometimes in very direct terms, that they want for us to be pro-Germany. I've been told that if I want to be the most popular man in the world I need to throw our full military into Germany and save them from total annihilation by the evil Swedes and Poles. Well, when I was elected I knew that it wouldn't always be possible to be popular. In fact, it is something that I've stopped worrying about. My job is to be the President and that means that I have to make the best decision for my Country and for my citizens ... even if that means reversing prior decisions. This job isn't an easy one and that's my burden to bear.

That decision, after much contemplation, is that the eUSA must remain neutral in the Sweden - Germany conflict whatever the consequence. I make this decision after much discussion and analysis with my military staff. While not the popular decision it is what is best for my nation and my citizens. Sweden is a powerful nation who is well funded, in fact, other nations owe them money meaning that they will have all the support that they need in this fight while we gain nothing but enemies from the effort. The choices are to throw our money and military into an unwinable fight that will result in a drain of our national resources and damage our relations with a powerful ally. In a world where we can't count on Romania to help bail out the smaller nations the eUSA can't keep trying to fill that role. We don't have the economy for it and it will bankrupt us. Romania could afford that sort of world police action, we cannot.

I've seen lots of arguments for why we have to support Germany. Some say Congress wants it, but this is not a decision for Congress to make nor do they bear the responsibility. Some say that we have to honor our MPPs but I say that we've been doing that since citizens have been allowed to fight so long as they aren't in the military, the military remains prohibited from engaging by agreement of the Commander in Chief and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. MPPs are not "alliances" though certain soon-to-be former Congressmen think so. Some say that it is undemocratic and that we have to help those who we think are acting better. That may be so but I'm here to play the game on its terms rather than adhering to principles that will weaken our position as a nation by diluting our military strength. Engaging in this action will also not help our position in a new alliance which will have to be focused on our vital interests (such as Spain, Canada, Ireland, and the UK ... in fact Spain is trying to avoid a PTO today). I hope that Sweden does not wipe Germany out, but if they do that is on them and not on us. I take responsibility for this decision as it is my job to do so. I am sorry for the German citizens and all that I can do is to implore Sweden to leave them with a nation for the sake of their pride.

The good news for all of you who are disappointed in this is that you get to vote me out of office in just 10 days (or sooner if Congress wants to try to impeach me again). On June 6th (ironically the anniversary of D-Day) I will either be free from political obligations or working on nailing down eUSA's place in the new world.

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle. - Sun Tzu