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my fourth term cabinet

67 Day 567, 07:45 Published in USA USA

Okay, so 3.5th term cabinet. As reported in the Official White House newspaper here is my final cabinet. (with

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a thank you to my supporters...

40 Day 562, 22:27 Published in USA USA

Here is a little collection of my supporters and other helpful folks in the media ... at least those that I have seen. Vote tomorrow but vote wisely (see the bottom of the page for a message about that).

Tarik ibn Zia😛

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Meet VP candidate Bastion!

18 Day 562, 21:52 Published in USA USA

As many of you know, my Vice Presidential running-mate is Bastion. I announced his candidacy here last week and today he has written his own article in his

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role play vs. game play (the game within a game)

134 Day 561, 05:50 Published in USA USA

This is an article that I've been having a hard time writing. Not that I'm not full of opinions but this is just a difficult one to put all together. I've been talking about these things for weeks and months though and that is that I feel that

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Scrabman / Bastion for June!

73 Day 558, 18:05 Published in USA USA

A lot has changed in the world since I announced that I will be running for a third term as President of the eUSA this Friday, June 5th, 2009.

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