Hintergrund an/aus

eRepublik v2... Are You Ready?

10 Tag 939, 23:19 Veröffentlicht in Germany Germany

Hello everyone! It's been quite awhile since I have written anything. (Fighting a battle against the infamous writer's block!) Finally, however, I have thought … mehr »

A Testament To Germany's Friendship And Strength

26 Tag 896, 20:08 Veröffentlicht in Germany Germany

Earlier today Central Hungary was secured by Hungary and Phoenix, on both … mehr »

The eRepublik Community

4 Tag 895, 14:30 Veröffentlicht in Germany Germany

eRepublik is a very simple game, many new players join and don't see what all the excitement is about, and end up leaving. The community of eRepublik and the … mehr »

A Big Thank You To All!

13 Tag 892, 17:53 Veröffentlicht in Germany Germany

After getting home from school (and my drive after school) I got on my computer and logged into eRepublik to see this message: "You are now officially mehr »

My Temporary Retirement And Future

10 Tag 884, 20:33 Veröffentlicht in Germany Germany

Thanks to my brother for the awesome new logo. 😉

My fellow eGermans, today I announce my temporary retirement from politics. This has been a tough … mehr »