eRepublik v2... Are You Ready?

Day 939, 23:19 Published in Germany Germany by Alex Drex

Hello everyone! It's been quite awhile since I have written anything. (Fighting a battle against the infamous writer's block!) Finally, however, I have thought of something that I deemed worthy of writing...

Just the other day I received access to the private v2 Beta. (read this forum thread for info on how to gain access) I looked through it a bit, and at first it was a bit weird to get used to, but now I don't think the change will be all that difficult. I noticed that the prices for certain things (like bonuses and boosters, etc.) have been changing a bit. Hopefully things won't be so pricey when the real version comes out. The new battlefield is, in my opinion, more interesting than just a wall going up and down. I haven't really seen very big strategical moves with it though, but I am very interested to see what will take place when v2 is released to the public and a massive amount of players are fighting in a big battlefield. That is something I am definitely looking forward to.

Now, I want to know what you think! Please take just a minute to fill out this Google Docs survey I made. I will post the results of the survey in two full days. Thanks in advance. Please vote so more people can see and fill out the survey for more accurate statistics! 😃

Alex Drex
-Ambassador to US and Canada
-EK X Soldier

Ipsa scientia potesta est.
Knowledge itself is power.

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