My Temporary Retirement And Future

Day 884, 20:33 Published in Germany Germany by Alex Drex

Thanks to my brother for the awesome new logo. 😉

My fellow eGermans, today I announce my temporary retirement from politics. This has been a tough decision for me to make, but I believe it is the right one. I have enjoyed serving the German people as a congressman, a minister, and party president; however, recently I have been very busy with school and other events going on in real life. I have been unable to be as active as I need to, or wish to. I feel that I have failed Open Minded Germany. I went into the party president elections with high hopes, and because my life got so busy I have been unable to do many of the things that I wanted to. I hope to return eventually to lead the party once again. For the past few weeks now I have been getting busier, and the next few weeks are mostly the same, and I feel that I am not serving my country as well as I could be while in this less active state, and I feel that is not fair to the German people.

I am sure some of you out there are jumping with joy while reading this, but for those of you who support me and vote for me, etc. do not worry, this is only a temporary retirement. I will be back in politics in the future. I am not sure if it is a few weeks from now, a month from now, or more, but I do know I will be back.

What do I plan on doing? I will:
- Continue to serve as an ambassador for Germany.
- Finish out my term as Party President of Open Minded Germany.
- Finish working in the government under President Letnix.
- Finish out my term as Congressman, and I will not be running for reelection this month.

And finally, I plan to try to join the Bundeswehr. I will continue to be active in eRepublik, but I just do not have enough time to fulfill all of my political duties for Germany. I will, however, continue to be active on the IRC, etc. I have been wanting to explore a military career for sometime now, and I figured since I will be retiring from politics temporarily now anyways, that now would be a good time to start.

In closing, I would like to say that I have been honored to serve as a congressman for five months and be involved in the government for three months. I would like to remind you that I will still be active in the game, I will remain the ambassador of Germany to the United States and Canada. I will also still be as active as I can in politics, but as a voter. I will eventually return to politics. I hope to join the Bundeswehr and have a successful military career and continue to serve Germany militarily.

Thank you for reading, and thank you for supporting my political career.

Best regards,
Alex Drex
-Ambassador to US and Canada
-Party President of Open Minded Germany
-Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs

Ipsa scientia potesta est.
Knowledge itself is power.

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