The eRepublik Community

Day 895, 14:30 Published in Germany Germany by Alex Drex

eRepublik is a very simple game, many new players join and don't see what all the excitement is about, and end up leaving. The community of eRepublik and the communities of the individual countries (or even alliances) are the most fun aspects of this game. Many new players either don't realize this, don't want to get involved, or don't know how to. This article will give some examples to our new players on how to get involved, and actually have fun playing eRepublik.

By far the best way to interact with the eRepublik community is to be on IRC. IRC allows you to connect to people in your eCountry or throughout other eCountries in real time. It's often the preferred method of communication, and is the first step to entering the community. You can use a website like mibbit to access IRC, or you can download a client (for example, chatzilla is a FireFox add on that is easy to use, many people also use mIRC). Many countries have an IRC channel, including Germany. Even the Phoenix Alliance has an IRC channel (#Phoenix.public on the Rizon server, Rizon is one of the most popular servers.) The German IRC is also located on Rizon, at #eDeutschland. To access the German IRC connect to Rizon via your client or website, and then type: "/j #eDeutschland" (without the quotation marks.) You can join multiple channels and connect with many different eRepublik players. IRC is one of the most important tools in eRepublik, and sets the foundation for many of the other activities on eRepublik. For example, if you are in a political debate, these often take place on IRC. Military debate also often takes place on IRC. If you wanted to do an interview for your newspaper, often times these are done on IRC as well. For a full guide of how to use the IRC please read this article. German IRC can be accessed [url=irc://]here[/url].

Another great way to get involved in the community is by reading and writing in the media. Newspaper articles are often packed with useful information, especially government newspapers, about your country, allies, or even the global situation. The media is also a great tool to spread ideas. Furthermore, some people just write for fun, and can provide a humorous, or an interesting read, etc. Writing can also be fun, writing just for fun, reporting on recent events, sharing your ideas, or whatever you want; it's a great aspect of the game.

Politics is yet another way to get involved with the community and have more fun playing eRepublik. A good way to start your political career is with a newspaper. People won't vote for you if they don't know who you are or what your political views/goals are. Another way to start your political career is to start with positions other than congress, such as Ambassador. I started my political career as Ambassador to the United States and Canada. Since then, I have served as a congressman for 5 terms, and been involved in the government (President's cabinet) for 3 terms. I am also still the Ambassador to the U.S. and Canada. Ambassadorship is a very good job, you get to be involved in politics, and meet even more people in different eCountries. If you want to apply for an Ambassadorial position, contact your Minister of Foreign Affairs - tmv23 NOTE: Ministers change with each election depending on who the new president chooses to be his/her Minister.

Yet another way to get involved is to join the military. The Bundeswehr has many members and a great community. Upon joining the Bundeswehr you will be assigned to separate squads (Expeditionskorps, or EKs). In the Bundeswehr you will travel around the world fighting for Germany and our allies. Many of the separate EKs, as well as the Bundeswehr in general, have IRC channels, so you can see that IRC is important. In the BW you fight in important battles throughout the world. The BW is a great way to get involved, and do the best you can to help your country, and to just plain have some fun fighting in battles.


Finally, you can get involved in communities off-site. Many countries, including Germany, have Facebook groups/fanpages (see: here, here, and here). eRepublik also has its own fanpage (see: here). Germany also has an unofficial Twitter account. (not sure who runs that account.) Also, President Letnix has an eRepublik Twitter account.

The Communities of eRepublik are what make this game so entertaining and keep people playing. If you aren't involved in the community, then you are not experiencing eRepublik to its fullest extent. So Get involved today!

Alex Drex
-Ambassador to US and Canada
-EK X Soldier

Ipsa scientia potesta est.
Knowledge itself is power.

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