A Testament To Germany's Friendship And Strength

Day 896, 20:08 Published in Germany Germany by Alex Drex

Earlier today Central Hungary was secured by Hungary and Phoenix, on both fronts, against Poland and Croatia + 15 MPPs. This was a major victory for Phoenix. It was a testament to the bond that the countries within the Phoenix Alliance share with one another. We are truly friends, we will fight as hard as we can to protect each other. All of Phoenix did exceptionally well yesterday and today in securing Hungary's capital fortress region. Being an eGerman, however, I was extremely happy when I saw the damage that Germany dealt in the two battles...

German soldiers waiting for the enemy to arrive.

According to Bogdan_L's statistics in this article, Germany dealt 17th most damage out of 30 countries (both sides) that participated in the fights. Germany also had close to 1200 unique fighters, 1190 to be exact. These 1190 fighters fought 6126 times, and hit the enemies of Phoenix with 324,138 damage in both battles. Only 12 countries had more fighters than us. (Meaning that many of our babies are fighting, this is obvious because we have 13th most soldiers, but only 17th most damage, this is good news. Stay active, new players, you do make a big difference!)

German tank rolling into battle

In the battle with Croatia, Germany ranked 8th in the total amount of damage dealt with 194,488 damage dealt by 589 fighters. In the battle against Poland, Germany ranked 9th in the total amount of damage, with 123,666 damage dealt by 633 fighters.

Soldiers digging in for the long fight.

I am extremely impressed with these numbers, especially the number of fighters we had. The number of fighters definitely displays an increase from the past, meaning that many of our new players are staying (at least somewhat) active and fighting in important battles, and following the orders of the Wehrverwaltung.

I am very glad to have taken part in the battle for Central Hungary, and am extremely pleased with the numbers put up by Germany. We have proven that we support Phoenix 100%, even when times look dreary, attacked on two fronts, by a massive country, and by 15 activated MPPs, we stand with our friends and allies until the very end, and will do anything in our power to protect them.

Congratulations, Phoenix & Allies! Congratulations EDEN & Allies! Two great battles on one day!

Great job, Germany! Keep up the good work! I know we will always stand with our allies, and I am proud to see the amount of damage we can do, and the number of fighters ready to protect our friends.

Hail Phoenix!
Hail Germany!
Hail Hungary!

Alex Drex
-Ambassador to US and Canada
-EK X Soldier

Ipsa scientia potesta est.
Knowledge itself is power.

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