A Big Thank You To All!

Day 892, 17:53 Published in Germany Germany by Alex Drex

After getting home from school (and my drive after school) I got on my computer and logged into eRepublik to see this message: "You are now officially known as a Media Mogul. Rhetoric is the art of ruling the minds of men."

A few months back I signed up for the original Phoenix Media Mogul Program (Before it was P.I.M.P.) and it was a big success for me. That, along with those who already had subscribed to me got me this medal, which I am very excited about. I got my map, and got a massive 4,11 gold. Haha. Oh well, sent it to the Bundesbank! 😛

Once again, thank you all, and expect some more articles from me soon, I will try to write one this weekend, if not then sometime next week, when things aren't too busy.

Thanks to all my subscribers, you're awesome!

Alex Drex
-Ambassador to US and Canada
-EK X Soldier

Ipsa scientia potesta est.
Knowledge itself is power.

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