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Trent's Team [Trenton's Presidential Cabinet]

15 Tag 679, 18:00 Veröffentlicht in Canada Canada

Prime Minister: Trenton Rendell

Deputy Prime Minister: mehr »

T-R-E-N-T For Newbrunswick.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!

10 Tag 674, 11:00 Veröffentlicht in Canada Canada

Dear People of New Brunswick
Over the past month I have represented you In the Craziest place in the eWorld. The Canadian Congress
and being the fool that I am i would like to do it again

-I'm a hard working congressmen,
-I'm very active

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Trent's Response

18 Tag 667, 12:40 Veröffentlicht in Canada Canada

STFU with all this marriage stuff, we get it your happy because you found someone to love ON A INTERNET GAME! we're happy for you all but we don't need 9000 articles written about it. REALLY Scorp REALLY?!? Augustus?!?
(Im still here all alone *

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Time To Rebuild [CSD PP Platform]

9 Tag 656, 15:58 Veröffentlicht in Canada Canada

It's time to rebuild The Canadian Social Democrats.

We all changed when Canada fell, The destruction of eCanada has brought out the patriot in all of us.
We have grown into a Nation of one, One People united under One Banner all fueled by One

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TC : LE's Presidential Nominee Reviews

7 Tag 654, 17:55 Veröffentlicht in Canada Canada

The Presidential elections are soon upon us

And as always Canadians interest are always high.

We cast are ballots for the Man/Woman/Augustus we believe is capable to run our beloved

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