Trent's Team [Trenton's Presidential Cabinet]

Day 679, 18:00 Published in Canada Canada by Trenton Rendell

Prime Minister: Trenton Rendell

Deputy Prime Minister: Tyler F Durden
Deputy Prime Minister: jbdivinus

Serves as acting PM during absences, constitutional duties as well as responsible for military functions and cohesion, CAF and Canadian Ranger affairs, intelligence, and communication.

One dPM will be responsible for Financial and foreign ministries (Foreign Affairs, Defense, Finance, Industries, Immigration)
The other will be responsible for domestic ministries (Domestic Affairs, Communicaton, Justice, Public Safety, Heritage and National Language)

Minister of State: GaiusJuliusCaesar00
Responsible for supervising and aiding Ministries of Health, Immigration, Industry, Finance, Heritage, Education and Justice. Serves as point man for new domestic government initiatives.

Minister of Defense: Domino_Gray
Responsible for coordinating military planning with allies as well as the CAF.Reports to the DPM and PM as per military chain of command. Able to make strategic military decisions in absence of PM and DPM.
CAF General: Coda

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Jacobi
Responsible for maintaining network of ambassadors, coordinating with intelligence and cabinet, and serivng as a face of Canada abroad. Reports directly to the PM.

Minister of Domestic Affairs: Noyst
A new position the Minister of Domestic affairs is responsible for the Health, Education and the well being of the eCanadian Public as well to boast the public's morale in times of crisis. Reports directly to the PM.

Minister of Finance: Ralph De Ver
Responsible for monitoring overall trends in the Canadian economy, advising Congress on tax code changes and developing government plans for economic expansion. Reports to Minister of State

Minister of Communications: TaiwanPanda
Responsible for effective communication of government plans, actons, and military orders to the Canadian public. Reports to DPM.

Minister of Industries: Neil III
Responsible for maintaining and administrating Canadian government businesses owned by Shinra and Ministry of Industries organizations. Reports to Minister of State.

Minister of Immigration: AngryMobMan
Responsible for distributing moving tickets to Canadians when required, providing information and forwarding requests for citizenship to CSIS. Reports to Minister of State.

Minister of Justice: GoranThrax
Responsible for government interaction with the Supreme Court, legal advice to all departments, drafting the criminal code and the constitution. Reports to the Minister of State.

Auditor General: Petz
Serves as check on the federal branch, responsible for accountability regarding financial transactions of government.

Minister of Offical Language: Nic007
Responsible for translations of official government documents to help francophone players contribute.

Minister of Public Safety: Lokes
Responsible for Canadian IRC and Forums, integrity, security and access. Reports directly to the PM

Minister of Pie: AnthonyMartin
Responsible for the successful production and export of Pies. Reports directly to the PM.