T-R-E-N-T For Newbrunswick.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!

Day 674, 11:00 Published in Canada Canada by Trenton Rendell

Dear People of New Brunswick
Over the past month I have represented you In the Craziest place in the eWorld. The Canadian Congress
and being the fool that I am i would like to do it again

-I'm a hard working congressmen,
-I'm very active
-During my two terms I've never missed a single vote in congress
-I'm open and willing to any idea the citizen's of New Brunswick have and we not be afraid to speak up and defend the rights of the citizens of New Brunswick and Canada.
-I proposed the Anit-Bribry Act that will stop citizens of taking advantage of you.
When election day comes before us and the fate of eCanada is in your hands, I hope you vote for me.

(Also Basset smells like pee)

Thank you
-Trenton Rendell
Party President