Time To Rebuild [CSD PP Platform]

Day 656, 15:58 Published in Canada Canada by Trenton Rendell

It's time to rebuild The Canadian Social Democrats.

We all changed when Canada fell, The destruction of eCanada has brought out the patriot in all of us.
We have grown into a Nation of one, One People united under One Banner all fueled by One cause.
To regain the eCanada we once had.

But the first thing you must do when the Jenga pieces fall is you need to rebuild and start the game all over again.

I remember a time when the CSD was the largest party in eCanada the 12th largest in the eWorld with over 500 members. But that was a long time ago.

-To rebuild a Party you need Party members-
We have over 4000 citizens living in Canada, and of that 4000+ only around 600 are members of a party
As your President, I will make Party Recruitment my number one priority. I will a team to get articles published, Ads made, send PMs to party less Citizens all in the hopes that soon the CSD can return to the top of Canadian politics.

-To rebuild a Party you must rebuild the Forums-
The heart of the party, The one place that we party members can meet up and discuss the party.
And what we do with the party herself,
As with Party Recruitment I will do the same to promote our forums which can be found at:
Also with the rebuilding of our forums. I will encourage to actively participate in forum discussions.
to help with the Party`s success.
And I will manage our forum so when it comes down to who we are running for congress or running for Prime Minister and not make last minute decisions. I will also see to it that that the CSD supports a fellow CSD as Prime Minister.

-Notre parti est votre parti-
I was the first to stress French participation in the party as well as the one who suggested opening a French section to the eCanada forums.
And if elected I will continue to push French activity on our Forums and Party.

-One Country, Many Views-
We can't do anything alone we must be able to communicate with the other parties. I have strong connections in every party in eCanada I`m well liked by many and I believe under my leadership we will be able to talk and discuss issues and matters with the other parties.

-My Resume-
And to show I am capable in running our party here`s my resume:
- 6 time Congressmen
- 5 time Hard Worker
- Minister of Industries
- Deputy Minister of Defense
- Former President of the CSD
- Current Minister of Immigration and Citizenship.

-Under my leadership-
We will rebuild the CSD for the future, Rebuild us to a greater political influence in Canada
And rebuild the CSD in greater and bigger party.

-Lets Rebuild-
-Vote Trenton-

Thank You