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Update from Trentopia!

5 Tag 716, 22:37 Veröffentlicht in Canada Canada

Mere days into it's existence Trentopia witnesses it's first Presidential Election.
Incumbent Governor Trenton Rendell of the CSD faced a rather new citizen Rock of the CPF. This election … mehr »

Remember, Remember....

16 Tag 715, 17:55 Veröffentlicht in Canada Canada

Remember, remember the Fifth of November,
An exciting election we've got.
I see of no reason
Why this Election we're seeing.
Should ever be forgot.
Treian & Caeser, t'was their intent.
To blow up King Duncan and Parli'ment.

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The Commonwealth of Trentopia

12 Tag 714, 22:53 Veröffentlicht in Canada Canada

The island close to BC known as the 'Queen Charlotte Island' hereby secede from eCanada to be a self-governing unincorporated territory to the Nation of Canada and to from here on out be known … mehr »

The Life and Times of Trenton Rendell. (Part A)

16 Tag 710, 16:30 Veröffentlicht in Canada Canada

(My time on eRepublik is coming to an end. There will be a day when I don't log, There will be a day where my character dies, There will be a day when I quit eRep forever. I want to reflect upon the time I've committed to this crazy game and mehr »

Canadian National Holiday.

11 Tag 705, 18:45 Veröffentlicht in Canada Canada

With the success of Eden and American Forces in Nunavut, we have finally been freed of PEACE occupation.
3 months... 3 months since we've seen a complete Canada. It was a long and hard fought road. Epic Wins and Epic Losses. We owe a whole much to

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