TC : LE's Presidential Nominee Reviews

Day 654, 17:55 Published in Canada Canada by Trenton Rendell

The Presidential elections are soon upon us

And as always Canadians interest are always high.

We cast are ballots for the Man/Woman/Augustus we believe is capable to run our beloved Country.
But who really are these crazy people.
The Canuck : Late Edition thrives to find out.

We start we Prime Minister Jacobi:
The Man in the funny hat, Jacobi is all but funny.
Under the Jacobi administration eCanada was rewarded with a budget, better acountability of the eCanadian Cabinet, and the increase of Doughnut production.

He also lost every single Canadian territory in the War, but hey no one`s perfect.
Jacobi is member of the Canadian Paradox Party (CPP) and if he wins tomorrow He will be the longest serving Prime Minister in eCanadian history with a total of 4 months.

William Duncan:

Oh yes the duo of William Duncan and Derek Harland.
These two star-crossed lovers, find themselves the likely winner of tomorrow`s election
When TC ; LE called them for an interview, Their secretary told us they went camping together at a famous mountain in Brokeback, British Colombia.

So no interview was conducted.
If elected William would become the first Prime Minister to bare a Anime avatar.


Banach has an impressive resume including 2x Minister of Defense and was once Prime Minister of Canada,
Though seeing how no active Party would support him Gofarman re-created the Canadian Progressive Front (CPF) to run him.
Little tid-bit. Banach quit eRep during his reign as Prime Minister leaving it to the Triumtive (Zlblewski, Tom Hagen and Augustus Baldwin)
Will Banach quit again if elected.
Also Banach is the first eCanadian to get a sex change.
So If elected he would become the second Female Prime Minister and first Post-Op Transvestite Prime Minister.

There you go just some basic facts on the Candidates.
And remeber tomorrow make an informed decision and vote.(or die...)